MORROW, OHIO - A Groundbreaking Ceremony for the High School addition and new
junior high school will take place August 22, 2007 at 7 p.m. We need
the help of Little Miami students to make the celebration a success.
Please consider entering our essay contest.
For students entering grades 8-11, you will be the first classes to
attend the new Little Miami High School addition; and For students
entering grades 5-6, you will be the first classes to attend the new
Little Miami Junior High.
WHAT: Submit your entry to
win a spot at the Groundbreaking Ceremony event August 22, 2007.
Winners will be selected by a committee and will help with the turning
of the dirt at the construction site.
HOW: Entries
must be no more than one page, typed, double-spaced, and at least
12-pt. font. Entries should be submitted to the board offices no later
than 3:00 pm, Tuesday, July 31. Please be sure to include your name,
grade and phone number. Students may select one of the following topics
on which to base their entry:
1. Explain why you want to participate in the ceremonial “turning of the dirt” at the Groundbreaking Event.
2. Explain how this project is important to you and to the community.
3. Describe your best memory as a Little Miami Local School
student; what will you remember for many years after you graduate?
Winners will be selected by a committee and contacted by Friday, August 10.
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