You can join the Grailville community as they mark the season of Advent with Song, viewing their Crèche exhibit, readings, visiting, and enjoying something hot to drink.
In this darkest season of the year we celebrate the season of Advent. The cold dark days turn our focus inward to the spiritual preparation of our heart and hearth. We will mark the season of Advent with Song, viewing the Crèche exhibit, readings, visiting and something hot to drink. Artist and Grail member Trina Paulus will share with us experiences of her time at Grailville, her artwork and reflections on the modern day relevance of Advent.
The Grailville Store will be open for you to purchase Paulus’ book Hope for the Flowers. She will be available for book signing.
Please let Grailville know if you would like to join them for this event to herald in the Advent Season.
The Coming of the Light Advent Celebration is held Sunday, December 5, at Grailville, 932 O’Bannonville Road. Suggested donation is $10 per person.
For information contact 513-683-2340.
Sunday December 5, 2010
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Reservations Required.
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