MORROW, OHIO - Kindergarten registration for the 2011-2012 school year will be held:
- Wednesday, Feb. 16 - Salem Elementary Kindergarten Building - 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, March 22 - Salem Elementary Kindergarten Building - Noon – 6:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, May 11 - Salem Elementary Kindergarten Building - 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
To expedite the enrollment process, parents need to complete a registration packet prior to attending one of the above sessions. Packets may be picked up between 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the Salem Township Elementary Kindergarten Building, 605 Welch Road, Morrow, OH 45152, beginning January 31. Families are encouraged to complete the registration of their student on one of the above dates to assist in the proper placement of all students. Your child’s screening date and time will be scheduled at registration. All kindergarten students will be placed in either the Monday/Wednesday or the Tuesday/Thursday session.
A roster of student sessions will be posted on the entrance door to Salem Township Elementary Kindergarten building on June 7 for students registered by May 11. If you have any questions, call Nancy Journeay at 513-899-5116 or 513-518-2531.
The following items are required to complete the registration process:
Make sure you have all the required forms. Registration will not take place without proper documentation.
- Completed Registration Packet
- Original Birth Certificate
- Proof of Residency (Copy of deed, settlement statement, land contract, rental/lease agreement)
If you do not own or rent property in the Little Miami School District and live with someone who does, that person must accompany you, provide proof of residency and complete an affidavit. Please call the Central Registration Office if you have any questions.
- Child’s Social Security Number (optional)
- Custody Papers (if applicable)
- Student IEP/ETR/504/WEP (if applicable)
- Parent/Guardian Driver’s License
- Shot/Immunization Records, Health & Physical Record and Dental Record (green packet) – needed by screening date
Kindergarten students must turn 5 by September 30, 2011.
The first day of school for kindergarten students is August 25, 2011.
Due to scheduling, screening and the assignment of transportation, children not registered by August 12th may not start Kindergarten on August 25th.
Refer to the website for updated information regarding start times, supplies, etc.
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