Zuch encourages audience to, "be sure to be loud and vocal at the right times."
Loveland, Oh. - Members of the Loveland Republican Club, heeded a challenge by club president and Loveland council member Brenton Zuch to meet Monday night at a local pizzeria, to plan tactics for Wednesday night's Chamber of Commerce's "Meet the Candidates for City Council" town hall. Attending the planing meeting on Monday were, Zuch, Loveland Mayor Rob Weisgerber, Vice-Mayor David Bednar, three
Loveland council member Brenton Zuch
incumbents running for re-election. Also in attendance, was first time candidate Ted Phelps, and two other unidentified men.
In an email that Zuch sent to club membership last Sunday afternoon, he encouraged Republicans to attend the town hall meeting and, "Please be sure to be loud and vocal at the right times."
"We ask you to please bring as many neighbors, friends, family members
and Republicans as possible. You do not have to be from Loveland to
attend and we are fairly certain that the negative elements in Loveland
will try to stack the audience to shout down your endorsed candidates
and cheer on their conspirators."
In the e-mail Zuch also tells the Club that he "helped arrange" the debate that will be held at Receptions Wednesday at 7 PM.
The Chamber web site however said on Monday that the event was to be at Loveland High School. It has since changed to reflect the Receptions location.
After last night's city council meeting, Zuch confirmed that he sent the e-mail. "Yes, I sent it to like minded patriots" to counter "shenanigans" he said he has seen in the city council chambers. He would not elaborate.
The email was forwarded to candidate Pam Gross, from a friend. Gross sent it to Loveland Magazine. Candidates, Linda Cox, and Barry Kuhn also saw the e-mail. Kuhn said he is a member of the club and received Zuch's call to action. Kuhn said that he did not attend the meeting at the pizzeria.
Gross forwarded the e-mail to Chamber President and CEO, CeeCee Collins and the Chamber trustees Sunday afternoon. Gross said to Collins:
is exactly the type of mean spirited behavior and negativity I wanted
to avoid. I’m seriously considering withdrawing my participation from
the debate. Brent
Zuch, specifically states "I helped to arrange this" and encourages the
audience to be “loud and vocal” which is disrespectful of other
viewpoints. This is not how democracy is supposed to operate. I
am a business woman running for a council seat who wants nothing more
than to represent the community I love. Unless you and the board of
directors can assure the debate will be fair and civil I am not inclined
to participate. Our citizens deserve better."
Collins responded late Sunday evening:
Pam, thank you for sharing.I am discussing
this with the board tomorrow. I will let you know the Chambers response
after I discuss this with leadership.
can share with you that we planned to address the audience regarding
behavior at during the timed candidate responses. We do encourage
candidates to have supporters attend the Town meeting and ask
appropriate questions.
In e-mail correspondence with Loveland Magazine about the event , Collins said on September 5, "It is important for residence to make their own decision without bias, the plan is to set up that type of environment."
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