The Loveland Music Boosters will hold their annual membership drive on Saturday, September 6th from 10 am – 12 pm. Music students from the Loveland Middle and High Schools will be going door-to-door asking residents to help support music in Loveland Schools by becoming a Music Booster Member. All money collected from the membership drive will go directly toward funding the music programs provided at the Loveland Schools. As a member, you are invited to come and experience the talent of the music students during all of their performances and your name will be listed in the music program for these events as a contributing member of the Music Boosters.
Loveland Music Boosters is a non-profit organization advocating for music education in the Loveland Schools. The boosters provide financial and volunteer support for all Loveland School Music Programs. Examples of the financial assistance provided are Marching Band uniforms and equipment, Show Choir choreography and equipment, contest fees, hiring of outside clinicians for instrumental and vocal groups and supplementing the school funded music staff. Scholarships are awarded annually to deserving music students.
Contributions to the Loveland Music Boosters are tax deductible and can be mailed to Loveland Music Boosters, P.O. Box 453, Loveland, OH 45140. Online donations can be made at
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