by Molly Kelly-Elliott
Bravo to the Loveland MAgazine for addressing this issue (Accessible parking; out of sight, out of mind, neglected and abused). I stand with the Clawsons on this issue.
ADA was passed in 1990 and no city has an excuse to be out of compliance. Able-bodied people are unaware of the tremendous hardship they cause people who are wheelchair users when they usurp their parking spaces, and cities who do not maintain them are overtly ignoring the needs of part of society.
Many wheelchair users will freely tell you they are not disabled themselves - it is society that disables them by doing things like stacking boxes or planting pots on sidewalks that are the accessible entrances to buildings, bathrooms etc.
You may have noticed that the Loveland Starbucks is one that has not yet installed the accessible serving counter where drinks can be picked up when ready. Have you ever gone to a restaurant that has adopted the high cafe style tables? If you are with a friend who is a wheelchair user, forget eating there.
I am available to support the Clawsons in whatever way they need!
Molly Kelly-Elliott is a resident of Loveland, Ohio
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